I have done some intensive research and also gathered some ideas from memories from my beloved Mother “Jagdish Kaur Attalia.”
It’s time that you revert back to “Old Grand Mother Tales”.
It’s Proven & tested that the best Food for a child is Fresh and home grown.
However, Please ensure that you discuss the diet with your Doctor, just incase a child has allergies of some sort. Keep an eye open for Citric based fruits.
First Stage ~ Baby Food

It’s a perfect time to introduce your baby to a range of fresh fruit and vegetables when they begin to eat solids. Nothing beats nutritious, home-made baby food bursting with wholesome fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables.
Top Tips to Get Started
Begin by introducing small quantities of pureed Vegetables and Fruits.
Add Formula or Cooking liquid to pureed Fruits & Vegetables to achieve the desired consistency to suit your baby. Babies generally prefer very moist foods. (It is also know some mothers to use Breast milk.)
Gradually increase the thickness and texture of Fruits & Vegetables purees as your baby learns to chew. Team fresh Vegetables with other ingredients like chicken or meat once the simple purees are accepted and expand the range of vegetables offered. Some babies may be very fussy about eating new foods but don’t give up try again at another time.
As you introduce new foods, watch your baby for signs of a reaction or allergy.
Avoid offering Strawberries until your baby is 12 months old as some babies have a severe reaction to Strawberries.
Remove seeds and pips from Fruits before using to make baby food.
Peel and / or trim Vegetables if necessary.
It’s best not to add sugar or salt to baby food.
Remember, baby food is given in addition to the breast or bottle.
Storing Home-Made Baby Food
It’s essential to keep all cooking equipment and utensils very clean.
Use clean Fruits & Vegetables only boards for chopping fruit and vegetables.
Store individual serves of baby food in clean airtight containers for 1 day in the fridge or store in the freezer for up to 1 month. It’s best to defrost baby food overnight in the fridge.
First stage - Fruits & Vegetables purees
Fruit purees
Start with the simple flavours of pureed apple or pear.
Apple Puree - use 2 Golden Delicious or Granny Smith Apples
Pear Puree - use 2 Beurre Bosc or Packham pears.
1. Peel and chop the fruit and place in a saucepan with 2-3 tablespoons water.
2. Cover and bring to the boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook until very tender.
3. Use a blender or food processor to puree the fruit until very smooth.
4. Add a little breast milk, formula, orange juice or cooking liquid to achieve the desired consistency for your baby
Popular fresh fruit puree/mashes:
Apple and pear – poached and pureed
Peaches and apricots – poached and pureed Banana
Papaya or pawpaw – remove skin and seeds
Papaya and Banana
Custard apple – use ripe fruit and remove the skin and seeds
Avocado – use ripe fruit and discard skin and seeds and add a little fresh orange juice if desired
Fresh Vegetable purees
To begin, try your baby on simple pumpkin, carrot and potato or kumara (orange sweet potato) puree. Try them separately, and as baby accepts the flavours gradually introduce your baby to a range of vegetables in various combinations.
Pumpkin puree – use ½ small Butternut or Jap pumpkin
Kumara puree – use 1 medium Kumara
Carrot puree – use 2 carrots and 1 potato
1. Peel and chop vegetables into a 2-3cm dice.
2. Steam, boil or microwave vegetables with a little water until tender.
3. Use a blender or food processor to puree the vegetables until very smooth.
4. Add breast milk, formula or cooking liquid to achieve the desired consistency to suit your baby
Popular Vegetable Puree / Mash combinations:
1. Zucchini and potato – 1 medium potato and 1 medium zucchini
2. Parsnip, Kumara & Spinach –1 medium Parsnip, 1 small Kumara and 20g baby Spinach leaves (trim stems with scissors prior to cooking)
3. Carrot and Pumpkin – 2 Carrots and a wedge of Butternut Pumpkin
4. Cauliflower and Potato – 250g Cauliflower florets and 1 Potato