Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mutura "Kenyan Sausage"

"Mutura" is also known as "African Sausgae."

Mt first experiance of tasting Mutura, was in a village nera Meru, just off Mt Kenya in 1975.
It was the Village Party night, and I was mesmerised by an old lady who I referred to as Grand-Ma. She sat there on one corner making a Mutura from scratch and I remained glued to her all evening. Wow! What a dish it proved to be, as a matter of fact I can still remember the taste in my mouth to date.

The original dish uses many palatable parts of the animal, ie; Neck, animals fat, Internal Organs, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Heart and Blood too.

My version allows many to come fairly close to the real thing, as Mutura aquires a taste for it.

My Version:
Clean Intestines throughly and leave them soaked in cold water.
Mince meat on the largest setting on the machine.
Dice~Onions, Garlic, Ginger, Corriander, Tomatoes, Fresh Green Chillies, and Mint Leaves.
Add Fresh Lemon/Lime Juice, Olive Oil, Butter and add Salt and keep on the sharp end.
In a large bowl, add all the ingedients and mix thoroughly.
Thick Lamb salty stock to replace "Blood".
Tie a firm knot on the one end of the Intestineand remove all water from it.
Now add some stock and begin to stuff with mix from the bowl and on intervals of 6inches add some stock, and carry on with the stuffing process until all the mix is finished.
Allow it to rest for 1/2 an hour, before placing it in a boiling pan of water allowing it to cook for 35-40mins on slow fire.
In a non-stick frying pan, add some Olive Oil and stir fry the Mutura unitl it colours like a normal sausage would "Rusty Brown".
Slice in 1/2 slices and serve hot.

Chef's Tip: Ask your local butcher that you require cleaned Intestines, and Mince meat on the largest setting available on machine.

You could make smaller sausages if it suits you. But ensure that you tie firm knots on both ends when completed.

*This Dish aquires a taste.

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