Pasta – 1 Pack
Olive Oil – ½ Cup
Sesame Seeds - 2 tbsp
Salt - To taste (Preferred Sharp)
Garlic -1 tbsp puree
Ginger - 2 tbsp puree
Lemon Juice - 2 tbsp
Paneer - 1 Pack (Finely Diced)
Coriander - Handful Diced
Green Chillies – 3 pods finely diced.
Tomato Fresh - 2 plums finely diced.
Turmeric - A pinch of.
In a large pot of boiling water to boil, and when ready, add Pasta, a drop of Oil, a pinch of Salt and cook for 10-15 mins, ensuring that the pasta is partially cooked and remove and place under sieve and run cold water immediately.
In a pan, add Oil, and Paneer and stir fry until semi Golden cubes and remove from heat. In a large frying pan, add Olive Oil, Sesame Seeds, Turmeric, Ginger & Garlic and stir fry for 6mins, add Pasta, Salt and stir well, and at this stage add Paneer and mix well. Finally, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Remove from heat.
Chef’s Tips: You could add Corn, Garden Peas, or any Meats of your choice.